Benoist Jésahel BobblePuzzle (Freeware) 13/2 Bd du Luxembourg 62400 BETHUNE FRANCE March, the 31th 1999 This little clone of Puzzle bobble was done one year ago for my girlfriend who was playing on a pc clone. I rip the gfx (thanx to him), and added some features like sound, music and explosions. I did it the fastest as possible; a week has been necessary to have an enjoyable game nearly identical to the original. Now, my girlfriend spent her time on irc channels (microsoft ones: argh!); i like it too, so you could join me on #amiga or #amigachat at undernet/montreal or other. See u, DJes Keys : ------ Left player : Left -> C Right Player: Left -> Left Right -> B Right -> Right Launch -> Left Alt Launch -> Right Alt Sound/Music : F1 Quit ESC